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bautismo de escalada en roca para grupos jovenes y niños en calcena

2-day Intro to Sport Climbing in Calcena, Spain

2-day Intro to Sport Climbing in Calcena, Spain

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Join an AEGM certified mountain guide for an amazing 2-days sport climbing, this is a comprehensive introduction to the sport in stunning surroundings!


  • Discover the rugged natural beauty of the mountainous Iberian System in Calcena
  • This sport climbing introduction will leave you beaming and full of confidence
  • Reap the rewards of highly experienced and enthusiastic guides showing the way


Calcena is a quiet town located just outside the natural park of Moncayo, 50km from Zaragoza, Spain. Situated in the beautiful Iberian System this really is a wonderful place to learn sport climbing. The region is full of massifs, plateaus and valleys that provide breathtaking vistas on your climbs.

Sport rock climbing requires and refines both one’s physical fitness and mental acuteness. Undertaking this activity in nature means a rich experience for all the senses.

Whatever your level of climbing We can tailor classes to your needs. You can leave your fears behind and face the challenge ahead with our support and many years of experience in the guiding industry.

You will learn to climb autonomously, become familiar with all the necessary equipment and the requisite knots. I will instil in you the best practices, safety procedures and technical climbing language. Additionally, you will develop the abilities of concentration, observation and problem solving that are vital during climbing.

Learning sport climbing will increase your self-confidence and your knowledge of what your capable of, which is always more than you expect. Come and join me now because I can’t wait to assist you at the beginning of your spot climbing journey!

We are waiting for you in the mountains, join us and live the experience. 

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What to bring with you: Comfortable and Sporty, adaptable to changeable weather conditions. Backpack for personal possessions, food and water. Climbing shoes

Prices per person

Group of 2 EUR 290 Each

Group of 3 EUR 190 Each

Group of 4 EUR 150 Each